Applicable to text plays in the theater (Show) are known. The play is usually in the form of a dialogue between the characters are written. Mac happen where and when events and an explanation of important scenes before writing the script. In the play, facial expressions play the actor noted. The screens show the different parts that make up the structure of the play. The playwright in world history are not well known. But the first time the appearance of the display can almost be attributed to the formation of civilization. 
Final Draft's top names and best-selling software playwrights drama that can display your TV and radio a lot easier than before using it to write. The software, which is the first industrial standard for integrated drama, while typing your text form. Tab and Enter keys are used for formatting text and then automatically placed between the pages. The software is used by many famous Hollywood writer's plays are.
Like most writers, you also have the Mac is the need to keep a lot of ideas while you're writing. Panel system using this software , you can split the screen into different panels and screen plays in another part of the mind. This allows you to compare two pages of dialogue. If you want an overview on each scene, you can use index cards or scenes on one side and the other side used to play. Double-click on any scene can have the panels to be synchronized.

A key feature of the software Final Draft:
- Send a copy to be directly written index cards
- Outline your ideas and rearranged scenes
- Manage and view the important details in the form of floating palettes Classification
- Add scene titles and colors to explore story lines, characters and ...
- Construction of the story of post-click drag and drop multiple scenes simultaneously
- Select and shadow Roshti quick text with the new toolbar button
- Ability to see the areas that are in print before printing
- Coordinated keep written with index cards and view scenes
- Start writing by selecting one of the templates
- The possibility of better control of page
- Ability to add a language to its grammar review
- No need to search for new work on correcting the draft that have
- The Tvshh Yafnh for tired eyes while writing not long-term
- High flexibility, more options and better user interface for printing
- Check your ideas and opinions about different parts posts
- Check simple changes between the draft and writing
- And ...