After downloading a lot of Internet clutter and disorder or to files on the hard drive of duplicate files a lot of waste and unused on your disk remains that only occupy additional space. Maybe you can not even imagine how many duplicate and redundant files on your disk is available.
Duplicate File Remover is a powerful tool for finding duplicate files all over your hard disk is redundant. The software to compare two files byte to byte or Mac that eliminates any confusion and can fully trust. This software can be text files, binary, video, photos , etc. to find the same file is Czech. Even the information in the ID3 tags of MP3 files can also compare the files.
A list of extensions supported by the software :
(Txt, c, cpp, h, hpp, pas, dpr, inc, ini, log, bat, cmd, inf, url, php, php2, php3, def, dsp, dsw, dpk, dpkw, bpg, bpr, mak , bas, tex, css, js, pm, awk, cla, clw, for, prg, spr, mpr, java, cgi, cls, sty, v, wrl, sh, sql, cfg, ctl, ion, diz, nfo , bbs, cnt, md5, sfv, manifest, uue, xxe, pdf, doc, xls, htm, html, chm, djvu, rtf, pwi, wps, dot, mht, xml, 3ds, max, eml)
(Bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, djvu, dng, emf, eps, erf, fpx, gif, icl, icn, ico, iff, jp2, jpc, jpeg, jpg, mrw, nef, orf, pbm, pcd, pcx , pef, pgm, pic, pict, pix, png, ppm, psd, psp, raf, ras, raw, rs, sgi, srf, tga, tif, tiff, ttf, wbmp, wmf, xbm, xpm)
(Cda, mid, midi, rmi, kar, miz, mod, mdz, nst, stm, stz, s3m, s3z, it, itz, xm, xmz, mtm, ult, 669, far, amf, okt; ptm, mp3 , mp2, mp1, aac, apl, vlb, m4a, m4b, ogg, aif, au, avr, caf, htk, iff, mat, paf, pvf, raw, sd2, sds, sf, voc, w64, wav, xi , wma, asx, wax, wmx, wvx, wpl, b4s, mmf)
(3g2, 3gp, amc, amr, asf, avi, bwf, cdda, cel, dif, dv, flc, fli, flv, sgm, m15, m1a, m1v, m2a, m3u, m4a, m4b, m4p, m75, mov , mp2, mp2v, mp4, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv, mpv2, pics, qcp, qt, qtpf, sd2, sdv, sfil, smi, smil, sml, swa, swf, ulw, vfw, vob, wmv , divx);
A key feature of the software Duplicate File Remover:
- 100% accurate compared byte for byte files
- User-friendly environment
- Availability on Removable Devices like: Floppy and USB
- Ability to search the disk on the network
- Can be installed on: Windows® 95/98 / ME and Windows® NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista
- And ...