

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Download DEAD TRIGGER - Mobile Games deadly shooting

  • Category: Mobile » Action » Shooting

Update to version 1.9.0
Fear with the excitement of playing attractive DEAD TRIGGER. Zombies have attacked again and you have to defend yourself against them. Graphic 3D with attractive lighting, sound quality and 3D, attractive personality traits and the characteristics of the play.
DEAD TRIGGER Screenshot 1 DEAD TRIGGER Screenshot 2 DEAD TRIGGER Screenshot 3 DEAD TRIGGER Screenshot 4 DEAD TRIGGER Screenshot 5

Download Joe Danger Infinity - Mobile games are extremely risk

  • Category: Mobile » Games » Sport , Entertainment » Classical

The addition of Android version version 0.0.33
You have a game you're known and loved in the first version was met with great interest and had a certain popularity. All the beautiful and exciting version of the game for the operating system he supplied S. This game has great game play, the graphics are impressive and beautiful. In this game, you are faced with many challenges and may experience different and exciting games for you to bring this style. The game has three-dimensional graphics and design retina, more than 20 playable characters, 15 vehicles and is very interesting. Do not miss this exciting Game. 
Joe Danger Infinity Screenshot 1 Joe Danger Infinity Screenshot 2 Joe Danger Infinity Screenshot 3 Joe Danger Infinity Screenshot 4

Download Duplicate File Remover v3.6.24 Build 0 - Software cleans and removes duplicate files

  • Category: Software » Applications » Tools disk , use " file management
After downloading a lot of Internet clutter and disorder or to files on the hard drive of duplicate files a lot of waste and unused on your disk remains that only occupy additional space. Maybe you can not even imagine how many duplicate and redundant files on your disk is available.
Duplicate File Remover is a powerful tool for finding duplicate files all over your hard disk is redundant. The software to compare two files byte to byte or Mac that eliminates any confusion and can fully trust. This software can be text files, binary, video, photos , etc. to find the same file is Czech. Even the information in the ID3 tags of MP3 files can also compare the files.
A list of extensions supported by the software : 
(Txt, c, cpp, h, hpp, pas, dpr, inc, ini, log, bat, cmd, inf, url, php, php2, php3, def, dsp, dsw, dpk, dpkw, bpg, bpr, mak , bas, tex, css, js, pm, awk, cla, clw, for, prg, spr, mpr, java, cgi, cls, sty, v, wrl, sh, sql, cfg, ctl, ion, diz, nfo , bbs, cnt, md5, sfv, manifest, uue, xxe, pdf, doc, xls, htm, html, chm, djvu, rtf, pwi, wps, dot, mht, xml, 3ds, max, eml)
(Bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, djvu, dng, emf, eps, erf, fpx, gif, icl, icn, ico, iff, jp2, jpc, jpeg, jpg, mrw, nef, orf, pbm, pcd, pcx , pef, pgm, pic, pict, pix, png, ppm, psd, psp, raf, ras, raw, rs, sgi, srf, tga, tif, tiff, ttf, wbmp, wmf, xbm, xpm)
(Cda, mid, midi, rmi, kar, miz, mod, mdz, nst, stm, stz, s3m, s3z, it, itz, xm, xmz, mtm, ult, 669, far, amf, okt; ptm, mp3 , mp2, mp1, aac, apl, vlb, m4a, m4b, ogg, aif, au, avr, caf, htk, iff, mat, paf, pvf, raw, sd2, sds, sf, voc, w64, wav, xi , wma, asx, wax, wmx, wvx, wpl, b4s, mmf)
(3g2, 3gp, amc, amr, asf, avi, bwf, cdda, cel, dif, dv, flc, fli, flv, sgm, m15, m1a, m1v, m2a, m3u, m4a, m4b, m4p, m75, mov , mp2, mp2v, mp4, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv, mpv2, pics, qcp, qt, qtpf, sd2, sdv, sfil, smi, smil, sml, swa, swf, ulw, vfw, vob, wmv , divx);

A key feature of the software Duplicate File Remover:
- 100% accurate compared byte for byte files
- User-friendly environment
- Availability on Removable Devices like: Floppy and USB
- Ability to search the disk on the network
- Can be installed on: Windows® 95/98 / ME and Windows® NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista
- And ...
Duplicate File Remover Screenshot 1 Duplicate File Remover Screenshot 2 Duplicate File Remover Screenshot 3 Duplicate File Remover Screenshot 4

Download Windows Repair v3.1.3 - restoration software for Windows

  • Category: Software » Applications » Optimizer , applications ' registry tool
Malware, viruses and install some software to change the default settings in Windows , the Mac is a cause problems for you.
Windows Repair software that helps you to get the majority of known Windows problems such as registry errors, file permissions as well as issues of Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall and fix. In addition, by using this handy program can restore your default Windows settings.
Key Features Software Windows Repair:
- Rearrange and edit the registry
- Reset the file access
- Register the system files
- Restoring WMI
- Fix Firewall Windows
- Repair Internet Explorer
- Repair MDAC and MS Jet
- Hosts File Recovery
- Remove Policies Set
- Restoration of the icons of
- Repair Winsock and DNS Cache
- Remove Temp Files
- Repair proxy settings
- Repair Windows updates
- And ...
Windows Repair Screenshot 1 Windows Repair Screenshot 2 Windows Repair Screenshot 3 Windows Repair Screenshot 4 Windows Repair Screenshot 5