

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Download Maxthon Cloud Browser v4.9.1.1000 - Internet browser software with special features

  • Category: Software » Internet » Internet
Maxthon Cloud Browser Tab is a powerful web browser that has the features, Maxthon external environment is quite flexible, browser-specific features that distinguish it from other web browsers, Maxthon is based on the Internet Explorer engine works and the That means you will see sites in Maxthon as you'll find in the Internet Explorer with the Mac more possibilities and abilities.
A key feature of the software Maxthon:
- Tabbed Browsing feature
- Control by moving the mouse
(By pressing the mouse button and moving the mouse in different directions, you can apply different command)
- A special feature Drag & Drop
- Remove advertise your Internet of
- Software RSS reader
- Support the side of Internet Explorer
- Specific foreign toolbar
- Supports different skins
Tabbed Browsing Interface Browse multiple web pages in one window:
Maxthon of a powerful tabular interface for Internet use by this interface, you can no crowded taskbar Windows multiple sites together in an open window. In this case, review them becomes easier because the information relating to the loading space can be seen from the site at the top table
Mouse Gestures Mouse gestures:
To your browser by mouse wheel up! Mouse gestures can activate the feature by taking a mouse button and move it to one side to instruct the browser. Mouse gestures renowned revolutionary Internet browsing. Some people say that this is similar to Kung Fu with the mouse.
Super Drag & Drop Drag and Drop Feature:
Maxthon has created a revolutionary new speed web browsing, so you just drag and drop a link to open the new table, you can link to any page you want to look the same as text Select anywhere on the screen to drop by your default search engine on the Internet looking for.
Privacy Protection protects your personal information to:
With a few clicks you can get past; Vsfhaty cookies that are recorded by the program, passwords and delete .. also can set Aynhara that begins or closing Maxthon clean up traces of your actions Instead there
Strip Interests:
Maxthon a bar adds interest to the environment in which you can link to that folder in the Favorites folder, or any folder that you want to access.
- AD Hunter - Hunter annoying ads online
Sudden pages, floating plates, advertising images, advertising flashes, etc. are all things that are annoying but Hunter advertisement rid of them all. It all ads (even within the site) Rummy and you will be blocked from evil ease.
- Support Googe lBar full support of Google Toolbar:
Is the Google Toolbar can install on another browser than Internet Explorer browser? The answer is no, but yes to the Maxthon Maxthon is because of Google Toolbar is fully supported. External programs Maxthon bar with a few simple clicks you can run your program from your system. You can even set them to start and run Maxthon Maxthon also close by.
Skins switching layouts browser:
Maxthon supports flexible skins used to make it look prettier with shell icon also changes the browser developers have put more than 300 shells at this site and allowing users to select and change the skins of their choice to give your taste.
Highlight key words found by the search bar:
With this capability after completion of the search term in the Search All Words websites come in color and helps users reach their questions.
Maxthon Cloud Browser Screenshot 1 Maxthon Cloud Browser Screenshot 2

Download Opera v35.0 Build 2066.92 Stable - Internet browser software Opera

  • Category: Software » Internet » Internet

Opera browser Opera is the fastest internet on earth! It's incredible speed internet pages will load for you. Opera is the basis for the text first and then gradually loaded site photos are loaded, plus the photos first full face appears to be low quality and gradually increasing image quality.
Just once try Opera, Internet Explorer will not again!
Opera all such restrictions prevent right-click, stop the source page, select the text and avoid ... All of your foot and enables you to search and surf with a hand wide open the web. In addition Opera web browser or Mac animals such as receiving e-mail , chat and manage download will provide for you. This browser add functionality such as SpeedDial for access to favorite web pages in series, is still the most popular choice among the users own browser.
Key features of the app Opera:
- Quick customize search
- The Mac advanced search in all sites in the area of search
- Advanced content pages block
- Prevention smarter than the pop-up
- Professional to receive e-mail and e-mail support for POP / IMAP
- Ability to read feeds RSS / Atom
- Ability to special settings for each site
- Hold the mouse over the tab of preview pages
- Reduce the additional burden on system memory
- Support for files larger than 4 GB
- Take advantage of Opera's website to enhance security and prevent Spyware
- Use Tabbed browsing technology in a popup window
- To solve problems related to FTP PASV
- Different layouts and beautiful
- Maintaining the passwords in an environment with high security
- You say the command to the program and its implementation by Opera
- Quick and easy installation
- Speed ​​up the opening program
- Reduce the overhead of system memory
- Improved support for web standards
- Ability to run the program through the user's voice
- Supports files with size up to 4GB
- Speed ​​Dail feature for quick access to favorite Web pages and lovely
- Quick Find feature to quickly find web pages visited simpler with its contents
- And ...
Opera Screenshot 1 Opera Screenshot 2

Download Google Chrome v49.0.2623.75 Stable + Chromium v51.0.2665.0 x86 / x64 - Google Chrome Internet browser software

  • Category: Software » Internet » Internet
Web browser (Web Browser) In summary, the application is said to be the main task of receiving, displaying and browsing information from Network World Internet is. Since 1990, many software companies and organizations have a web browser, and today this category of software is an integral element of any operating system and without doubt one of the most used software applications are considered.

Google Chrome is a web browser application is free and supported by Google Inc., the software layout engine Blink (Blink) for processing and manufacturing of the page. The application was published for  more than 40 copies of it have been introduced.
Key features of software Google Chrome:
- High speed of loading pages
- Use of the engine layout Blink
- Web browsing in Incognito Mode
- Sync settings and user data with your Google account
- Access and easy management of the Bookmark
- Do Not Track feature
- Ability to install different plugins
- Supports all versions of Windows
- Automatic and easy software updates

All software similar functional web browser, so there were no noticeable difference in their properties and pick a specific browser user preferences and other factors usually someone introduces several potential returns but not unpleasant software.

- Ability Incognito:
Browsing In this case you have a Mac it until after you close the program, all data during the session (Session) on your system is automatically deleted, so any information on the sites visited and other files, such as Cookie and so the system can not be saved.

- The Browser Sync with Google account:
If your browser connect to your Google account, all your data and settings of your browser and stored on your personal account enables you to view all information on reinstalling Windows or your software return immediately, even your mobile phone can also connect to Google to apply your settings on the phone.

- The Do Not Track:
This feature allows you to enable the browser to sites that you visit respectfully request that you refrain from tracking the user's privacy to be protected.

- Automatic translation of foreign pages:
If any page other than the language that your browser is set to open on it, the program will automatically suggest that if the entire contents of your site using Google Translate into your language back.

- Supports a wide variety of different operating systems:
It supports Windows XP to Windows 8.1 fully supports almost all operating systems on mobile , including iOS, Android and Windows Phone is installed.

The introduction of 64-bit version of the program:
64-bit version of the browser was first released in version 37 for Windows 64-bit. The unique features of this version include higher speed application performance, maximum support more RAM, reduce the number of software Crash and more efficient use of system resources to be named.

Chromium (Chromium), and what is the difference with Google Chrome?
Chromium is an open source project and is supported by the update The Chromium Project, the project name of the element chromium, chromium metal that has been made of it.

As Google refers to it, was Chromium is an open source project and the final product be called Google Chrome, but some of the developers of the software source code to independent software released under the name Chromium.

Since the source Chromium and Google Chrome are the same, there is little difference in the characteristics of the software and only a few minor differ.

In short, Google Chrome and Chromium exactly which of the following is added:
1. Install plug-ins are only limited in the Chrome Web Store
2. Integration of Adobe Flash Player in the browser
3. Put the ability to print web pages
4. Change the name to Google Chrome
5. Automatic Update feature in most software called Google Update
6. The ability to send specific information and use the browser to Google servers
7. supports more formats of audio and video on web pages
Google Chrome Screenshot 1