It can be safely said that now Telegram one of the best and most secure application messaging. Instant telegram is a powerful, free and excellent, originally released for the Android operating system, but since the software is open source, other developers version of Windows , Mac and Linux from the same publisher. In fact, this application because of the focus on speed and high security, is known. The cable has a simple and clear user interface is very similar to WhatsApp, so many people think that telegram from the WhatsApp application that has been copied, but is only appearance Telegram Copy and cable operation is much better facilities. With the help of this program you can create a group of over 200 people in its community. In addition, you will be able to Size 1 GB of shared video or messages Multimedia send. Messages in this program are encrypted and decrypted at the destination so with confidence to chat it.
A key feature of the software Telegram:
- Send instant messages faster than any other
- High security
- The Mac that access their messages using a variety of devices including computers, laptops, mobile , etc.
- Encrypted messages
- Telegram servers spread around the world for security and speed
- Open Source
- Free
- Powerful
- Create group chats with up to 200 user without a problem.
- Keep messages safe from hackers
- No limit on the size of media files and chat
- To provide a variety of super cute emoticons for use in Chat by user
- Personalize the app by photo profiles, the background image and slogan chat input screen
- Ability to connect to applications from the most remote places
- Ability to write different types of documents
- Has a simple interface and Psychology
- And ...